diy knot

Thursday, February 14, 2013

A Visit from Auntie Kari

So I had a kind of rough start to this whole having a baby thing.  I was slightly caught off guard with how much constant attention a little baby requires.  Don't get me wrong, I wasn't under the impression that life would continue as before, well maybe I was slightly, but I guess I figured there would be a bit more sleeping on behalf of the wee one?  I'm not sure what I expected, but my expectations were a bit off.  However, at the same time, I have the capacity to love a tiny little boy more than I ever imagined.

All this to say, we were so extremely blessed when my sister Kari came out for a few days.  I was blessed.  I know Clay and Levi enjoyed the visit and all but I think the blessing was really felt by me.  Kari was someone for me to talk to when the days were crazy and long and short and lonely.  She came on the tail end of my baby blues and forced me to go to places like..Walmart.  Yep, thats right, we made a Walmart run and it was awesome.  By the end of her visit, we even hit up the mall.  Between going to walk around the mall and the sun shining outside that day, I was a whole new person.

We didn't have much to entertain Kari with, other than her one month old nephew, but she assured me she was pleased with catching up on some sleep.  She also made us several dinners and easy to grab freezer breakfasts and cleaned my stained pans.  As I told my other sister Kelli, Kari whipped me into shape :).

In all sincerity, we had a great time with her coming to visit.  Thanks Kari for coming to see us!!! I truly appreciate you and your servant's heart!!!

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