diy knot

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

A Trip to the Bluffs

We took a quick half day trip to some nearby landmarks - Chimney Bluff State Park and Sodus Bay.  During the summer, I get half day Friday's every other week.  These half days have generally been used for housework but this time we took a break!

The park and bay were about an hour and a half away and we took the "scenic route" to get there.  It was actually really nice driving through small towns rather than on the thru-way.  I have to admit I fell asleep on the way but Clay was kind enough to let me snooze :).

The bluffs are located right along Lake Ontario, and there is an easy hiking trail that lets you look out over the bluffs and over the lake:

Sodus Bay is about 25 minutes away from the state park and is just a small little summer town.  We visited on a Friday afternoon in mid-July and the place was so active - lots of people out on the lake, walking through town, getting ice cream, and just being outside.  There is some sort of historical lighthouse that we walked out to.  In the picture below, you can just barely see the bluffs out in the distance.  This is my "I conquered you" stance:

Clay conquered them as well but he was friendlier about it:

I wasn't going to include this picture, but I realized it has the lighthouse in it:

Just to include a couple other things..we had our usual staff dinner at the end of June.  Clay and I decided to compare our growing bellies:

Also in early July, we helped out with VBS at our church.  I have to admit, I was dreading VBS week.  Clay is awesome with the kids from the neighborhood (and many of the little boys love him!!!), but I struggle to feel comfortable with them.  Almost everything I've known to be normal when working with kids at church or school does not hold true for the kids from our church neighborhood. 

Because I waited so long to volunteer, the only non-floater spot left open was with games.  Yes, games.  Of course the Lord would have me work with games :).  Overall the week went well and I'm happy that I helped out.  Clay was a group leader, and the VBS organizers specifically gave him and his team leader the rowdy or difficult kids.  I so enjoyed watching him interact with the kids and just showing them love.  It may not have been the most organized VBS, but it means so so much to these specific kids to have adults that love on them and give them attention.

Below is a (blurry) picture of Mr. Clay, his fellow team leader Mr. Nick, and several of the kids from his Blue group:

Thanks for checking in on our summer!  A new kitchen renovation post will come soon!

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