diy knot

Monday, May 20, 2013

5 Months, Mother's Day, and Some Random

Five months!  Only a month away from being half a year old!  I can't believe we are this close to our first milestone!

We are so in love with this little gift from God.  Levi is such a blessing and he fills our days with joy.  We are continuing to learn what it means to be parents and how to best love on this little boy.

Levi is learning to use his hands quite well; we have officially entered the stage of anything that is in reach goes in his hands and into his mouth.  So far I am thoroughly enjoying this as it is so fun to see him explore new surroundings.  I suppose when he becomes mobile this stage will be a bit scarier, but for now its been really fun.  We both enjoy his "kisses" as he explores our faces and love the feeling of his chubby little hands on anywhere he can grab.  He has also gotten rather good at pinching - he uses his index finger and thumb quite frequently when he is supposed to be eating...

He continues to be vocal; he has recently learned how to gurgle so we now have babbling, shrieking, screeching, whale sounds, and gurgles.  His little voice is such a sweet sound :).  He is getting really close to sitting up on his own.  Right now he can last for just a few seconds before usually toppling over.  He prefers to sit up rather than being cradled at just about all times other than eating; this isn't a problem except in the bathtub!  He rolls from his back to his side just to the point of almost being on his tummy before falling back to his back.  We have fun cheering him on so I think right now he is enjoying the attention of getting us excited every time he partially rolls :).

We had a really nice Mother's Day of just the three of us celebrating.  Clay did a really great job of making me feel special and appreciated.  I think I spent most of the day loving on my sweet little boy and thinking of how much I have under-celebrated my own mom in the past. 

What an honor it is to be this little boy's mom!

 All dressed up in his big boy clothes!

Some fun pictures over the past few weeks!  Practicing sitting up with Mom:

Tulips in bloom:

Having fun in his new Baby Einstein jumper:

 Kisses for Dad:

1 comment:

  1. I like it when you put up a post. I check your blog every day.

    Please do more.
