diy knot

Sunday, March 22, 2015

big boy(s)

Levi moved into a big boy bed last weekend.  Fingers crossed, but all is going well!  The week up to the move, I was on a hunt for cute sheets for him.  Levi is rather particular about some things (that can't possibly come from his mother) and can be detail-oriented at I knew fun sheets would be something exciting to him for his new big bed.  I suppose I should be honest and say that I was actually on a hunt for sheets that fit the vision I had in my head for his room (read: as seen on Pottery Barn Kids).  Target had some tractor sheets but I was holding out for what I knew could be cuter.

One day we went to three different stores looking for "tractor sheets."  Each store Levi would ask me repeatedly where the tractor sheets were.  Sadly, there were none to be found at those stores.  A couple days later we drove across town to a HomeGoods, and I excitedly saw firetruck, ambulance, and helicopter sheets.

I enthusiastically said something like, "Wow Levi!  Aren't these great?!  They have firetrucks!!"

Levi very matter of factly replied, "No. Tractor sheets."

Despite him wanting me to put them back, I got them anyway..little stinker.  All that to say, it's been almost a week of him napping and sleeping overnight in his new room and bed!  It was bittersweet to take him out of a crib, but the new things are exciting.  I love hearing what's going on in his head so I can only imagine that it will continue as he gets older (..I guess until he hits that weird boy phase when its all about boogers and poop and such..).

In other news, Crew recently turned 4 months.  He is a happy little guy.  I know its early to make a statement about his personality, but I'll risk it and say it anyway.  So originally I thought he might be slightly anti-social and a bit solemn (especially when his older bro is super social and barely knows a stranger).  It would make sense for Crew to be quiet and inquisitive and shy.  However, I would say at this point, Crew doesn't demand attention but he loves when he gets it.  He will gladly chat and smile with you if you chat and smile with him.  Levi was more the type that let you know if you weren't talking to him enough or if he wanted you to laugh with him or at him.  Crew is more the type to wait for you to look at him, and then he performs.  We'll see if he changes, but that's what I've picked up on so far.  I'm a little nervous these two could be quite the mischievous pair in another year or so..

With Levi moving to the twin bed, Crew is moving into the nursery and into the crib.  He's been napping in the crib for a few days and just started sleeping overnight in there..yay for not having to tip toe around in the dark at night in our bedroom!

I've tried to make an effort for Levi not to feel as though he is being kicked out of the nursery/crib.  The other day I asked him if he thought it would be ok if Crew started sleeping in the crib.  I could see him thinking about it and then his whole face lit up and he said, "Dah!!!!  Levi Crew sleep together!!!"  What a sweet little guy :)

Well, we only have about a foot of snow left on the ground.  With Spring officially here, the snow is a bit frustrating, but we're still holding out hope for warm temperatures and green grass..

Sunday, March 15, 2015

belly laughs

My boys were giggling at each other earlier.  My heart is full.

Levi was disobediently blowing bubbles on his lips at the dinner know how you can make noises with your lips and little bubbles come out.  He's not allowed to do that while eating and was getting a warning when Crew started belly laughing at him.  Levi played through his nap today so was running on a short fuse.  He kept choosing to do things that he knew he wasn't supposed to do and I was getting tired..but then my baby wouldn't stop giggling at him.  God's grace is so good and unexpected.

Thank you Jesus for the small moments when you remind us of your goodness.  After a tiring day with lots of emotions, those little baby belly laughs were just what I needed to hear.