diy knot

Sunday, April 8, 2012

happy easter!

"But by the grace of God I am what I am, and His grace toward me did not prove vain; but I labored even more than all of them, yet not I, but the grace of God with me.  Whether then it was I or they, so we preach and so you believed."
I Corinthians 15:10-11

I know that's a slightly different Easter passage than the norm, but we read from I Corinthians 15 this morning for Easter Sunday prior to the message and it stuck with me.  By the grace of God I am what I am.  I guess any message of Hope and Salvation is truly an Easter message.

We had a really nice weekend and I am dreading going back to work tomorrow!!  Here are a few snapshots of what we accomplished: the first room of the house is painted! 

This is the beginning of our new bedroom!  The color is Quiet Moments by Benjamin Moore and we absolutely love it!  It's a very faint light blue with gray hues.  In natural lighting the blue comes out more and we are just beside ourselves with how much we both like the color!  The plan is to add some tan curtains (possibly burlap if I'm allowed) and someday a small chair in the corner.  We decided the white, tan, and blue gray was a good balance between boy and girl and something we both liked.

We didn't plan on keeping the current dresser in there, but we'll see if garage sale season pulls through for us in new furniture or not.  Eventually we'll pick an accent color to provide some brighter color somewhere.

Another pic of the weekend accomplishments:

Isn't he just so handsome??  What a good homeowner!

And now for probably my most exciting purchase of the year!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (I get so happy everytime I remember that we bought's almost fun to forget that we have it just so I can remember again):

I have been looking and looking for a wardrobe!!!  This one is absolutely what I have been wanting..the curved accents and its already painted white!  I would love to put this in our bedroom but Husby said no..that its too girly.  Whatev.  But, since he let me have it, I have agreed to either put it in one of the extra bedrooms or even on our main floor..I'll keep you posted on where it ends up!  And, the inside is the original wood and in great shape..not at all creepy.  I will definitely be checking back at the antique flea market I got it from!  Good thing its only a mere 10 minutes away!

I just realized that we bought our house this year so I probably shouldn't say the wardrobe was the most exciting purchase of the year..although the wardrobe is payed for in one small check of $125 while the house..well thats another story..

And now, the standard Easter picture in front of the door:

Yes, we were the weird neighbors that set a step ladder up on our front walkway using self timer so we could take this picture..but its our first Easter with this door! 

We're thinking of painting the door blue..neither of us are big fans of the maroon so we'll see what happens..

Anyway, Happy Easter!  It's only by the grace of God that we are what we are..

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